Our People in Israel
Our People in Israel
Please add the names of our members' children/grandchildren in your prayers who are in Israel right now learning, living, and defending the country. We are so grateful for those protecting Eretz Yisrael and pray for peace and the safety of our people.
If you have family members serving in the IDF, please let Rabbi Fox know.
- To contribute toward One Family and Sulamot, please click here, select Rabbi's Discretionary Fund, and write "Israel" in the notes
- To contribute toward purchase of protective tents for the tanks in the IDF, please click here, select Rabbi's Discretionary Fund, and write "tanks" in the notes
- To contribute toward Sayeret Tzanhanim, please click here.
DNG family members serving as IDF soldiers include:
Ezra Yehoshua ben Tamar, son of Tamar and Bruce Perlow
Lev Baruch ben Tamar, son of Tamar and Bruce Perlow
Noach Simcha ben Simcha, grandson of Mark Oberlander
Naomi Tova bat Simcha, granddaughter of Mark Oberlander
Eitan Jonah ben Simcha, grandson of Mark Oberlander
Ilana Rose bat Simcha, granddaughter of Mark Oberlander
Tuvia Akiva ben Dina Miriam, relative of Mark Oberlander
Amos Yisrael ben Deborah, relative of Mark Oberlander
Inbar bat Sarit, close friend of Carol and Jerry Gore
Maya bat Sarit, close friend of Carol and Jerry Gore
Chaim Mordechai ben Chana, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Netanel Eliyahu ben Chana, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Daniel Menashe ben Chan, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Azarya Asher ben Chana, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Binyamin Dovid ben Nacha Sheindel, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Asher Tuvia ben Nacha Sheindel, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Shimon Gedalia ben Nacha Sheindel, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Dvir ben Yardena Noa, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Shmuel ben Miriam, cousin of Bryna and Rabbi Fox
Eliyasaf ben Yael, cousin of Debi and Benji Rubin
Eitam ben Yael, cousin of Debi and Benji Rubin
Avraham Yechiel ben Katrina, nephew of Sara and Mark Drexler
Shlomo ben Maayan, great nephew of Roberta and Brian Miller
Yechezkel ben Baila, nephew of Janet and Lew Steinberg
Zvi Binyamin ben Rena Rivka, close friend of Janet and Lew Steinberg
Etai Yehuda ben Rena Rivka, close friend of Janet and Lew Steinberg
Nadav ben Nurit, nephew of Tracy and Josh Morell
Barak ben Nurit, nephew of Tracy and Josh Morell
Akiva Ben Bella Chana, cousin of Nathaniel Bobrick and Ariel Silverstein
Aviv ben Uri, Ori Gross’ "brother from another mother"
Hanan Yosef ben Yosi, Ori Gross’ "brother from another mother"
Aviel Avraham ben Chezi, Ori Gross’ brother-in-law
David Gad ben Zipporah Dvora, nephew of Zippi Perlmutter
Chiam Zelig Ben Dina, cousin of Hillary and Jeremy Elkins
Raphael Yehoshua ben Esther, nephew of Rachel and Stephen Astrachan
Avraham ben Dina, cousin of Rita and Henry Elizar
Davie ben Dina, cousin of Rita and Henry Elizar
Shaul ben Dina, cousin of Rita and Henry Elizar
Nori ben Iris, cousin of Susan and Nemat Delrahim
Avner Elyashiv ben Aliza, cousin of Charlene and David Sales
Calev Kalil ben Aliza, cousin of Charlene and David Sales
Chaim ben Yosefa, cousin of Charlene and David Sales
Mikhail ben Yosefa, cousin of Charlene and David Sales
Daniel ben Revi, nephew of Doris Shasha
Yoni ben Revi, nephew of Doris Shasha
Yitzchak ben Ronit, nephew of Doris Shasha
Tue, January 14 2025
14 Teves 5785
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